Valuation Features

“Introducing the groundbreaking third generation of Appraisal Report Writing Software! Recently launched in 2022, this cutting-edge software surpasses the existing 2nd generation competitors in the market with its remarkable advancements and features. Upgrade your appraisal process now and experience the next level of efficiency and accuracy with our latest software!”

What makes ValueXpose the most advanced Appraisal Software Technology today?


Unlock the true potential of appraisal reporting with ValueXpose – the all-in-one solution designed exclusively for financial professionals like you.


Gone are the days of dealing with multiple user interfaces and toggling between various software tools. With ValueXpose, you get more than just an appraisal report writer; you get a comprehensive platform that streamlines the entire appraisal process.


Say goodbye to the hassle of learning and paying for multiple tools. Embrace simplicity and efficiency as you develop, value, and report your appraisals seamlessly with ValueXpose.


Experience the power of consolidation and take your financial appraisal workflow to new heights!

Income Properties

Sales Comparison Approach

Land Residual – Financially Feasible

Land Residual – Not Financially Feasible

Live DIrect Capitalization

Live Yield Capitalization

Live DCF models

Live Rent Loss Analysis

Live Intangible Value Analysis

Subdivision Properties

Live “as is vacant” Land Value via:

Financially Feasible

Not Financially Feasible

Financially Feasible

Not Financially Feasible

This presents the opportunity to offer your clients customized restricted appraisal reports and expedited appraisal review alternatives other then 100 to 200 page narrative reports and reviews after the report is finished.

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A best of all, incredibly you can literally produce a high quality full narrative 100 to 200 page appraisal average report that normally takes 24 work hours to produce in a single day and at a lower cost to the appraisal company using our advanced collaboration feature

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Automated Development of Appraisal

(USPAP Standard 1)

Cost Approach with over 50 automated dynamic grids, cost exhibits, Searchable Comp Land Sales and Customizable Cut Sheets, plus an automated Insurable Cost Estimate.

Sales Comparison Approach with Automated Search of Comp Sales, Customizable Cut Sheets, Automated Comparison dynamic grids and over 50 other useful exhibits and comp summaries.

Income Approach with automated search for expense, rent comps and 127+ predictive analytic metrics from comps to automatically populate over 50+ other useful comparison grids and exhibits.

Direct Capitalization Valuation Technique that automatically creates the property’s 1st year stabilized Operating Statement and NOI, automatically calculates comp sales going-in cap rates, Band-of- Investment analysis, surveys and over 50+ other useful comparison grids and exhibits.

Able to toggle between the property’s Lease Fee Value and the Fee Simple value at the touch of a button.

DCF and Yield Capitalization and Valuation Techniques all with Automated modeling.

No more expense and complicated Argus type software. Built onto the ValueXpose platform and using the same ValueXpose user interface are all the DCF modeling features used in leading DCF modeling software.

Complex lease features that automatically and transparently process each lease’s expense stops, expense caps, gross ups, detailed expense reimbursements, free rent, TI allowances, leasing commissions, options, probability of lease renewals, weighted averages and can handle every conceivable modern lease feature.

Complex Property Operating Expenses can be detailed throughout the property’s development timeline depending on the property’s current state of development, above or below the line reserves and replacements, expenditures, options, and detailed variable expenses both reimbursable and non- reimbursable.

Presents multiple DCF models for new development and non- stabilized properties not only indicating the property’s “As Is” value but also all the prospective value waypoints and their DCF models up to stabilized occupancy value.

For subdivisions it not only indicates the property’s “As Is” value but also all the prospective waypoint values and their DCF models up to final unit/lot aggregate retail sellout amount.

Rent Loss automated analysis and Intangible Value automated analysis.

Automated rent loss analysis for property’s that are not at stabilized occupancy or where existing below market rents extends past stabilization.

This rent loss present value analysis can also use a different risk rate other then the property’s all-cash yield expectation at stabilization.

Automated intangible value analysis for existing excess rent above market rents that extend past stabilization.

Automated Highest & Best Use Analysis.

Appraisals can be very misleading if the building is grossly mismeasured or if the concluded Highest and Best Use is wrong

  • According to review appraisers and appraisal clients, one of the weakest part of appraisals is the Highest & Best Use Analysis.
  • Most appraisal reporting do not do or quantify any analysis as to the site/lot’s maximally productive use for both the “vacant” site/lot’s “as if vacant” or the “as currently improved”.
  • Furthermore, the timing of a development must be determined if the vacant or “as if vacant” site/lot is determined for development of a certain property type

Without a Highest & Best Use analysis and a Financial Feasibility study the wrong comps can be used or a significant Highest & Best Use adjustment could be missed

  • ValueXpose easily produces both a Highest & Best Use analysis and Financial Feasible analysis with quantifiable exhibits giving greater credibility and accuracy to an appraisal.
  • If the ValueXpose analysis indicates the Highest & Best Use of the site/lot is not ready for immediate development, the user can add a holding period to the development timeline with it’s of all-cash yield discount rate. This will indicate the site/lot’s “as is” market value when not ready for immediate development.

Automated Financial Feasibility Analysis.

If the ValueXpose analysis indicates the Highest & Best Use of the site/lot is not ready for immediate development, the user can add a holding period to the development timeline with it’s own all-cash yield discount rate. This will indicate the site/lot’s or partially improved property’s “as is” market value when not ready for immediate development.

Most Advanced Database and API endpoints.

  • The backbone of the application is a comprehensive property database capable of tracking detailed physical and financial attributes of all Class/Type/ Subtypes of real estate as detailed in the Appraisal Institute’s Property Use Classification System (PUCS, v.1.0)
  • This new best in class standardized database increases your ability to capture, reuse and mine compiled data
  • Sales and appraised properties are also reverse engineered for the database into over 127 metrics and UOC giving you up-to-date visible trends and starting points coming directly from the minds of the collective market participants
  • Our database is an organized repository and search engine for all your comps (sales, listings, rents, expenses, and former appraisals). The database also tracks all elements of transaction confirmation.
  • Capable of analyzing necessary sale adjustments for items such as fractional interests, elements of financing, conditions of sale adjustment, post transaction expenditures, and other potential adjustments.
  • Financial attributes are tracked and include detail on Property Taxes, Property Transactions (Sales), Income and Expenses (Historical Operating data, Budgets, Pro Forma’s), Rent Roll with individual lease details, and Surveys.
  • Each lease will have detailed rent breakdown (escalation amounts, dates, etc.). The database will include tracking for tenant improvement allowances, market TI allowances, and descriptions of Tis. Expense reimbursement structures are tracked with accompanying details in pre- formated output similar Argus Enterprise.
  • Searching on previous appraisal reports by search parameters within past 24 months and within a certain radius of a given geo- coordinate, or within a certain defined market or sub-market.


Automated Market Study for Comp Sales and completed appraisal valuations.

  • Our advanced database is more then just a repository for comp “leads” and their physical attributes and due diligence.
  • By combining our valuation engines with our database allows the user to fully processes Comp sales and appraisal value opinions by automatically reverse engineering the values into 127+ Metrics and UOC (Units of comparison)
  • This harvested data represents the collective market’s forecasts who purchase these specific types of properties in their specific locations
  • Furthermore, the database contain elements to track contributory value of improvements associated with a property transaction with complementary calculations of market derived depreciation.
  • This dramatic change in database technology represents the actual harvested collective market’s forecasts providing the user and their clients the most advanced predictive analytics, market trends forecasts and business intelligence for more precise valuations and decision making by your clients.


AVM for first time Real Property valuations, updates and Metaverse Real Estate valuations and updates.

  • Each time an appraisal is developed on our platform, all the valuation methodologies remain “Live” indefinitely at the users option
  • “Live” appraisals can be automatically updated from the thousands of metrics and UOC that accumulate in the users database.
  • The AVM automatically updates a previous appraisal valuation by first copying the previous appraisal and then updating the date of value, the rent roll and complex terms, operating expense terminal, market and contract rents, expense and sale comps, and inputing over 127+ metrics directly derived from the collective market forecasts for the property’s specific market.
  • The original appraisal and the updated appraisal can instantly toggle between the property’s Lease Fee and Fee Simple values which is ideal for tax appeal assignments

Metaverse – First Real Estate Valuation Software that can be used for Metaverse Real Estate intangible Valuations, Highest & Best Use and financial feasibility development.

  • Real Estate (Real Property Value) valuation principles and it’s methodologies apply to the same supply and demand forces in the Real Estate (Intangible Property Value) Metaverse
  • Leading real estate companies are currently gearing up to performing sales and leasing activity in the Meteverse
  • All the valuation features function exactly as if you were appraising in the “Real World”.
  • If you are appraising an intangible property in the Metaverse, all the valuation features operate in the same way as they would if you were conducting a real-world appraisal. This includes using the adding to and searching the database, AVM, risk analysis, H&B use analysis, financially feasibility analysis, rent loss and intangible value analysis, appraisal reporting, and all other applicable valuation methodologies for intangible values.

Risk analysis and ESG responsible investing via an automated Value and All-Cash Yield sustainability analysis.

  • With the threat of a real estate price bubble, that might burst anytime, realty valuation is currently in greater demand than ever before.
  • Appraisal Institutes Guidenote 12 recommends “There are two risks inherently associated with any appraisal that are of particular concern to the intended user. The first is the risk that the reliability of the value conclusion may be adversely impacted by a lack of quality data. The second is the risk that the value might not be sustainable over time. A well thought-out and clearly presented reconciliation process can assist the intended user with these risks.
  • “When necessary, the appraisal report should include a discussion of evidence that the value conclusion may not be sustainable into the foreseeable future. This is potentially a controversial and challenging conversation to have with one’s client, but it maybe a critical issue to highlight.” , Appraisal Institute’s Guidenote 12
  • Through ValueXpose’s software- enabled service approach, institutional real estate investors will gain transparency on relevant market parameters even faster and thus be able to make smarter, future-oriented decisions.
  • After the user has developed (valued) the property’s market value in ValueXpose, at no extra effort or data collection the user is presented a fully quantified and transparent analysis and market study of the collective market’s forecasts based on the appraiser’s market value opinion
  • An easy to understand graphic indicating the risks or opportunities of whether or not the user’s value opinion (1st appraisal risk) is sustainable and/or whether or not the all-cash yield is sustainable (2nd Appraisal Risk)
  • Without bias (political or otherwise), this analysis is compatible with the spirit of the ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) movement regarding a transparent risk analysis for the protection of the client, community and the nation as a whole
  • Breaking down the appraiser’s market value opinion into the smaller collective market’s forecasts will give the client a better understanding of what makes up the market value opinion
  • This modern analysis also protects the appraiser from future contingent liability by transparently indicating all the collective market’s forecasts that comprise the present value of the appraiser’s market value opinion

Should you be striving to better meet your client’s needs and requests without violating your licensing and USPAP responsibilities?

  • For years, valuation industry veteran experts and Appraisal Organizations have be looking for ways of bridging the gap between client needs with appraisers responsibilities
  • In response to the Appraisal Institute’s Guidenote 12, several prominent valuation experts published an article in the Appraisal Journal titles, “One Step Further – Implementing the Recommendations of Guide Note 12”
  • The article first identified the problem as “For decades, through a number of market cycles, appraisers have struggled with a disconnection between what they have viewed as their role and what users of a appraisal services believe they should receive.”
  • “The viewpoint of most appraisers has been quite simple: a market value appraisal is a single-point-in- time analysis, based entirely on the current behavior of buyers and sellers, no matter how hot or cold the market may be.”
  • “The problem is that clients – the users of appraisal services – apparently have a different view of the appraiser’s role”
  • The viewpoint of the appraiser’s is entirely valid because licensing law mandates that market value is based on the collective market’s pricing or purchasing the property at the most probable value
  • The viewport of the clients and user of appraisal services is also entirely valid because they are essentially inquiring, “What if the collective market’s forecasts that determine the appraiser’s value opinion are laced with irrational exuberance or irrational fear”. “If appraisals only report what properties would sell for on a certain day, what good do they do in protecting us from the effects of a bubble market?”
  • “Unfortunately, however, most of our response to the complaining and finger pointing has been defensive. We grumble that they are “shooting the messenger,” and that they fail to understand what we do. But, we should not forget, these are our clients, and if they have a need we should be looking for a way to fill it. They are asking for more than a single point in time estimate. They want something more forward looking to assist them in answering questions like, “is now a good time to buy,” “should I make this loan,” “is this loan value sustainable,” “is the proposed development feasible,” and “what are the risks in the current market?”
  • “With markets like we had in 2006 and 2009, a traditional “point in time” market value opinion is not enough to help them answer those questions. If we ignore what our clients are asking for and refuse to provide anything else, can we be surprised that the perceived value of appraisals is declining, and that demand for appraisal services is falling? To insist that they should be happy with the same old product we have always delivered is a bit like a phone carrier insisting that phones are for talking to people and that phone customers should not expect them to do more.”
  • ValueXpose has responded by creating quantifiable automated unbiased solutions that respects both viewpoints and automatically solves the impasse without taking any more of the appraisers time then their normal appraisal valuation process.
  • These solutions are in compliance with USPAP and licensing regulations and at the same time give the clients the transparent information they have been continually requesting from our industry.
  • Because this process doesn’t take any more of the appraiser’s time complete the normal appraisal process and value opinion, at the very least they should provide their clients the easy to understand and dozens of the collective market’s detailed forecasts that make up the present value of appraiser’s final market value opinion
  • If your client agrees with your final value opinion but disagrees with some of the collective market’s forecasts, offer to input any their forecast opinions into the ValueXpose sophisticated models that will then automatically produce an “Investment Value” which will most likely conflict with your market value opinion
  • The client can then determine the risks or opportunities your final market value opinion presents in light of their own risk tolerance.